The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body, and as such, the most susceptible to injury. It is no surprise that so many individuals find themselves being faced with the possibility of having to undergo shoulder surgery. However, there are many ways you can avoid invasive shoulder surgery, thereby avoiding the many risks associated with it. Shoulder surgery includes risks such as: loss of range-of-motion, nerve damage, infection, and more. Here are a few alternatives that you may want to consider:
Rotator Cuff Exercises – The rotator cuff muscles are four muscles within the shoulder area that are oftentimes the culprits for shoulder issues. If this is the case for you, exercising those muscles may be an option that can reduce or even eliminate your shoulder issues. The primary exercises you can do for the rotator cuff muscles are termed internal and external rotations. These exercises can easily be found all over the internet. Be sure if you choose this route to start off light resistance and gradually work your way up over time as the muscles strengthen. If you feel any sort of pain or discomfort in the shoulders, decrease the resistance/weight you are using for the exercise.
Allograph Amniotic Stem Cell Procedures – There are a few companies that have begun utilizing a fairly new medical procedure that uses stem cells and platelets. This procedure is used for common injuries of the rotator cuff, the shoulder labrum, arthritis, and a variety of other degenerative shoulder issues. The great thing about this alternative is that for most patients, it requires little to no recovery time after the procedure. The procedure takes advantage of your body’s own healing mechanisms to repair the shoulders. While a relatively new procedure, it has shown to be extremely effective and a great alternative to a variety of traditional shoulder surgeries.
Ice and Heat Combined with Rest – For less severe shoulder issues, sometimes something as simple as resting the joints and using ice compresses can do the trick. Initially, you want to apply ice for up to 20 minutes at a time, giving at least 20 minutes break in-between. Try this for about 48 hours while restricting the use of the shoulders as much as possible during that time. After the ice treatment has been used, then switch to heat compresses to promote blood flow to the area, using the same approach as with the ice treatment.
There several other options as well, such as physical therapy, which would most likely include rotator cuff exercises in conjunction with multiple other exercises best suited to your needs.
Prior to attempting surgery alternatives, talk to your healthcare professional to see what might be best suited for your particular condition. Your healthcare professional is most familiar with your particular issues and as such, will be able to most effectively point you in the right direction. Regardless, shoulder surgery is not the only option and there are plenty of less intrusive options you can try that may eliminate your need to ever have surgery.