Understanding the Body’s Natural Resilience

Our hormonal pattern is our buffer. It helps create resilience, strength, courage, endurance, and optimism. In a world dominated by the allopathic medical model, it’s easy to dismiss alternative treatments as quackery. Established over a century ago, this mindset still holds sway over much of society. However, the tide is turning as more people realize the limitations of conventional medicine and explore integrated approaches.

Breaking Free from Conventional Mindsets

Many individuals remain trapped in the belief that conventional medicine is the only legitimate form of treatment. Yet, meeting people who have transcended this mindset is inspiring. Over the past seven years, I’ve observed that individuals who improve their neurotransmitters daily experience significant improvements within three months. This alignment of energy can transform various aspects of their lives, including financial stability, love, and motivation.

Welcome to Unreasonable Health

Hello everyone, I’m Reagan, and today we delve into the world of integrated medicine. We’re joined by Dr. Achint Choksi, a board-certified family medicine doctor specializing in integrated and anti-aging medicine. Dr. Achint’s holistic approach combines natural, herbal, functional, and nutritional medicine, making him a unique practitioner in the field.

Dr. Achint’s Journey: From Conventional to Integrated Medicine

Achint moved from India to the United States at age 12 and pursued a traditional medical education. However, his residency experiences revealed the limitations of conventional medicine in addressing chronic diseases like diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. This realization led him to explore integrated medicine, incorporating ancient practices like acupuncture and functional medicine into his practice.

The Power of Holistic Healing

Dr. Achint emphasizes that healing is a science that requires an open mind. Conventional training often instills an ego-driven approach, dismissing other modalities. However, acknowledging the value of ancient practices can lead to profound healing. For instance, yoga, breathwork, and even the direction you face while sleeping can significantly impact your health.

The Importance of Buffers in Health

Buffers, such as proper sleep and hormonal balance, are crucial in maintaining health. Our daily routines, influenced by societal norms, often contradict our natural physiology. For example, starting the day with intense activity and ending it with family dinners disrupts our body’s natural rhythm. In contrast, ancient practices often involved a more peaceful morning routine and gradually increasing activity throughout the day.

Reprogramming for Optimal Health

Many health issues stem from societal programming and the misalignment of our daily schedules with our natural physiology. Understanding and reprogramming these aspects can significantly improve health. For instance, optimizing neurotransmitters can boost motivation and overall well-being.

The Flexner Report and Its Lasting Impact

The Flexner Report, published in the early 20th century, established the allopathic medical model as the standard, dismissing other practices as quackery. This mindset still influences many today. However, the limitations of conventional medicine often become apparent when patients experience misdiagnosis or ineffective treatments.

Addressing Root Causes

Dr. Achint focuses on understanding each patient’s unique physiology and addressing pathogens and toxins. By optimizing brain function first, patients can better visualize positive outcomes and achieve their health goals. The brain’s ability to visualize success is crucial in manifesting desired outcomes.

Peptides: A Key to Enhancing Neurotransmitters

Peptides like C-Link, C-Max, and BPC-157 are instrumental in replenishing neurotransmitters and enhancing overall well-being. These peptides work on various levels, from improving sensory perception to regulating GABA in the brain. Dr. Achint has observed significant improvements in patients using these peptides, particularly in elite performers and those seeking enhanced cognitive function.

The Role of GABA and Peptides in Health

Selenka, a GABAergic peptide, upregulates genes that express GABA in the brain, enhancing relaxation and focus. This peptide’s impact on neurotransmitters can lead to remarkable improvements in various aspects of life, from athletic performance to overall mental clarity.

Conclusion: Embracing Integrated Medicine for Optimal Health

The journey to optimal health involves understanding and reprogramming societal norms that contradict our natural physiology. Integrated medicine, which combines conventional and ancient practices, offers a holistic approach to healing. By optimizing neurotransmitters and embracing the power of peptides, individuals can achieve profound improvements in their health and well-being.

For those seeking a deeper understanding of their health and the potential of integrated medicine, Dr. Achint Choksi’s approach offers a promising path. Embracing a holistic and preventative mindset can lead to a more balanced, resilient, and fulfilling life.

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