In this webinar we talk about diet. The “East West Diet” is a low inflammation diet and in this webinar we cover the why behind what we are telling you that you are supposed to eat.

The big five foods to stay away from are corn, soy, dairy, sugar, and gluten. So let’s talk about why those are the big five to stay away from, and what alternatives you can use instead.

It’s important to know what goals you have, and why you want to make these changes. Always keep in mind what your “why” is. Your “why” is your motivation. Why did you come to East West Health? Was it for stem cells, or thyroid issues, or gut health, or maybe you simply weren’t feeling like yourself. Maybe it was weight gain, or digestion issues, whatever the reason may be, keep that in the forefront of your mind and never forget it along your journey.

At East West Health we want to decrease your inflammation. There are two types of inflammation, chronic and acute. It’s important to make your nutritional change a lifestyle change and not just a temporary fix to help reduce or eliminate inflammation.

Inflammation is our immune systems natural response to anything that is affecting us. Whether that’s an injury or an infection, or disease. Acute inflammation is necessary. It helps our body repair itself. For instance, when you twist your ankle, it swells up and it hurts for several days, and then the swelling goes down and you are able to get back to your normal routine. That is your body helping itself heal.

Chronic inflammation is not necessary. Chronic inflammation is activated by our food, our environment stressors, and it doesn’t subside. It will continue to build and build and then that’s when the damage is occurring internally. We don’t see it, and it can lead to disease, diabetes, obesity, insulin resistance, high blood sugar, leaky gut, joint pain, brain fog, all the things you might be coming to East West Health for.

The Big Five Inflammation Causing Foods

Gluten: Wheat, barley, rye, couscous, wheat germ, and more.

  • The protein in wheat
  • Produces proinflammatory cytokines
  • Amylase Trypsin Inhibitors (ATIs) can provoke an inflammatory immune response in the GI tract
  • Sensitivity symptoms including GI issues (bloating, gas, bowel issues), brain fog, joint pain, and skin issues
  • Alternatives: rice, gluten-free oats, quinoa, GF flours.

Dairy: Any milk products, cheese, sour cream, ice cream, from cow, sheep or goats, to name a few.

  • Some can have sensitivity to lactose (the sugar) and/or casein (the protein) found in milk.
  • Signs and symptoms: GI issues: bloating, constipation, gas, acne, mucus/sinus issues.
  • Conventional dairy cows: growth hormones, diet and living conditions, antibiotics.
  • Alternatives: nut milks (almond, cashew, coconut, oat), daiya or miyoko cheese, kitehill cream cheese.

Sugar: Anything refined, white or brown sugar, agave nectar, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners.

  • Causes chronic, low-grade inflammation which leads to severe health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, weight gain, leaky gut, etc.
  • Refined carbohydrates: flours (such as white flour), baked goods, processed and packaged foods.
  • Alternatives: stick to low-glycemic index sugars in moderation: coconut sugar, pure maple syrup, raw honey, stevia, fructose (sugar from fruit).

Corn: Specially corn syrup, like high fructose corn syrup, corn starch, canola oil, vegetable oil, and more.

  • Most corn is now genetically modified and cross-bred so it has a similar genetic makeup to gluten, and is often recognized as such within the body.
  • It is a high-glycemic vegetable, meaning it is easily converted into sugar. Food that is easily converted into sugar in the body increases insulin production and inflammation.
  • Alternatives: siete cassava tortillas & tortilla chips, “real” coconut wraps, plantains.

Soy: Soy sauce, soybean oil, and more.

  • Packed with “goitrogens” which interfere with normal thyroid function and can lead to goiters or hypothyroidism.
  • Often genetically modified.
  • Contain phytates which inhibit mineral absorption, lectins which lead to leaky gut, and protease inhibitors making it difficult to digest protein.
  • Alternatives: coconut aminos, chickpea miso

Give us a call and let us help create a full health plan for you, including a diet and wellness plan!

Watch the full seminar to learn more about what we recommend you eat to help keep inflammation away.