Tired of wondering what is going on with your hormones?
Want to look younger and feel better?

The Hormone Solution: That Doesn’t Require You Taking Hormones

Getting your hormones healthy requires a lot more than swallowing a pill, in fact taking certain hormone replacements have been shown to do more harm than good, even if they are bio-identicle. Our goal is to balance hormones through fixing the underlying problems that exist in the organs and glands. Rather than giving the body a hormone why not get the body to produce it’s own?

Determining the underlying cause of your imbalances is the key. The first step in the evaluation is to take an in depth questionnaire that in most cases is more accurate than a blood test. Once this is complete then we also do a Chinese medical diagnosis that allows us to get more objective data to find out what hormonal imbalances are causing your symptoms.

Our medical providers will then look at 7 major categories of hormonal imbalances to get a clear picture of your health. Looking at the relationship of cortisol, estrogen, thyroid hormones, adrenal function, testosterone and progesterone are key to finding the underlying cause. Once these hormonal areas are evaluated, we will use natural herbal remedies and nutrition coaching to heal the body and get it back on the right track.

In some cases hormonal testing is necessary. We use a combination of adrenal cortisol salivary testing and comprehensive blood serum testing to get an accurate picture of hormonal health. Most doctors overlook the importance of adrenal health in hormones when in fact adrenals may be the single most important gland when it comes to balancing out hormones. Most of society carries around too much stress, putting an enormous burden on the adrenal glands, which in turn will cause higher levels of cortisol.

Cortisol has a variety of functions within your body and can be affected by what you consume and what you think about throughout the day. One important function of this hormone is how it instructs your body to utilize glucose and fat. Cortisol also assists in healing injuries and is the major anti-inflammatory hormone in the body, this is why stress elevates cortisol. The body is ready to “fight or flee” and may need some reparative hormones for the process. If you have restless sleep, or have a hard time drifting off at night and waking up in the morning, you may be interested to see where your cortisol levels currently rank. By understanding what symptoms you are experiencing, and discovering your cortisol numbers, our program can offer insight that may lead to a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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"They are super helpful getting me back on track with my thyroid (graves) issue! They helped me before and I got lazy with my eating and stress management. Now I’m getting back on track and am feeling much better again! Love these guys they really know what they are doing! It's an amazing clinic!"

Jana B.

"I am so glad I found East West. I have gained quite a bit of relief from my injections and the acupuncture is superb. I like their supplements and their knowledge and ability to help me problem solve my gut, hormone and inflammation issues. The staff are so personable and friendly and really care! It’s a wonderful clinic!"

Jan C.

"I came to the clinic to address the osteoarthritis of my hip. I could not be more pleased with the care I had. My treatment included various approaches. This integrated approach to health treatment blends the best of traditional western medicine with proven eastern practices. I highly recommend East West!"

Gail R.