Transformational Stories

We are committed to you. That’s who we are, that’s what we love doing.

For years, I felt like my health was slowly slipping away. I was sluggish, gaining weight, and just not feeling like myself. Then I discovered EastWest Health and Regan Archibald. It’s been a true transformation!

Working with Regan has been an amazing experience. He’s helped me lose weight and feel younger in every way. I have more mental clarity, my energy levels are soaring, and I simply feel fantastic. I don’t even look like the same person!

The best part? My renewed energy and vitality have even translated into my work. People are constantly asking me what my secret is for success. They notice my improved focus and the positive energy I bring. As the CEO of Predictable Profits, this has been a phenomenal asset.

If you want to regain control of your health and achieve “unreasonable health” like Regan promises, then EastWest Health is the place to go.

– Charles Gaudet

I had stem cells for knee pain in your office in St. George several years great now, no pain… I am now 80. I can now walk without pain..and bend and take stairs… my life is much better and now don’t even think about my knees’s as if I was 40 again!

Elaine W.

In 2017 I received a stem cell injection at East West Health for a cervical spine injury that had robbed me of a healthy life. The only option, I was told, was an eventual spinal fusion. Instead I received a stem cell injection and my life was restored. Prior to stem cells, the episodes of debilitating spasm and pain were so frequent that I spent weeks at a time unable to do anything, often in tears from the pain. I would slowly recover only to spend a week or two feeling well and go into spasm again. After the stem cells it all changed. Within weeks I could feel the fragility in my spine changing. Within months I was participating in activities I hadn’t done for years. Even after the nine months of stem cell activity (what’s generally expected if you are a good candidate for stem cells and follow the basic instructions post-procedure) I continued to see improvement. Years later, I still get emotional when I think of what was given back to me by a single injection of stem cells. It turned everything around for me. This injury hasn’t held me back since then. I am healed. I cannot recommend stem cell injections with East West Health enough. I have referred friends, family, clients, and even strangers to them. I know there is a cost, for many of us it is significant. This is the best use of money I have ever made. I am overwhelmed by gratitude for what I gained. It was worth everything. It was worth eating clean, taking care of myself after the procedure, and the money I spent. If you are in chronic pain or are also staring down the barrel of an aggressive surgery from which you will never be the same, even if it goes as well as possible, try this first. It is worth it. You will not regret it. Thank you to the team at East West Health for helping me restore my life and my health! 
Emily Davis (Received January 2024)

Regan and his team have given me the direction, tools, and specific lifestyle plans to drastically improve my physical and mental health. While the process isn’t easy, it’s so worth it. When I started, I was 221 lbs, and after four months in, I am 182 lbs (I’ve gained several pounds of muscle). The best part is the changes I made to my lifestyle are things I can see myself doing long-term. Rather than doing quick diets that have never worked for me. I am MUCH healthier now than when I started. Before meeting Regan and jumping on both feet, I felt like an old 41-year-old, way past my prime. That isn’t the case anymore, Now I feel like a YOUNG 41-year-old and my best years are ahead of me. I can’t thank Regan and his team enough, I trust them so much, I’ve referred friends to them.

Check out my before and after photos!


Andie Bryce is a true professional. As a Certified Health Coach, she offers terrific advice and delivers it in a sincere and compassionate manner. She is committed to helping those associated with East West Health make important, life-changing decisions designed to lead her students toward better health and longevity!
John M

WOW! This is the best experience I have had. I love to learn continually the how and then do it consistently. I feel grateful for Trysten. He is helping my husband and me get our bodies in order. Wonderful work!
Lorene M

Trysten is the BEST! He knows what exercises we need at our age and pushes us for improvement.

We have been patients of Archibald since the beginning of his practice. We have been to other acupuncturists but found that Regan knows his business best.

Carl M.

I feel like a new person, just 6 months into my wellness program.

Check out my before and after photos!

Tammy B.

From the moment I stepped through the door at East West Health, I was met with genuine, professional, knowledgeable, and concerned people. Every aspect of the process was explained and performed perfectly. In short, I could not be happier with my decision and I am confident that because of their work my life has dramatically been changed for the better!
Chris L

Andie’s suggestions have been impactful and I really appreciate it. I look forward to connecting in the short future. I look forward to seeing you face-to-face when I come to Salt Lake.

Andie at East West Health has been absolutely amazing in coaching me through my health journey. Her calm demeanor, candor, optimism, and kindness helped me feel confident and excited about starting the program and reclaiming my life. I’m grateful for the support, encouragement, and knowledge of Andie and the team at East West Health.
Heather G

My brief time with East West Health has been a wonderful journey so far. The staff is absolutely wonderful, friendly, and knowledgeable, and everyone truly cares about your well-being and progress. They are available at a moment’s notice and have addressed all my questions and concerns promptly. It has been a pleasure so far working with them and my body is appreciating all the goodness as well. Thank you East West Health for helping me on my wellness journey.

Roughly 16 years ago, I had a pain in my back that would not go away. I tried everything but nothing worked until a friend recommended acupuncture. I went to see Regan and was amazed at what he did for me.
Over the years I have watched East West go from a one man shop to an incredible team of professionals who have continued to help me.

Now at age 68, I still entrust the majority of my healthcare to East West. I work with an amazing team including a fitness coach, acupuncturists, health coaches, and medical providers. And Regan is still closely involved in my treatment.

The main reason I believe in the East West approach is they are not looking for treatments that mask the symptoms, they are looking for the root cause of my issues and solving them.

I highly recommend the East West team to all.

Greg P

When you are working with any type of alternative medicine provider, trust is a critical factor. You not only have to trust the technical expertise, but the integrity of the owner of the organization and knowing that everyone there puts your interest before their own. That is the way Regan Archibald, owner of East/West thinks and you can see that attitude with the entire team. I believe East/West really cares. I have had excellent results from them with both local and systemic injections of stem cells. That sure beats travelling to Panama and Mexico where I used to go for stem cells before I found out about East/West.

I have traveled from Pittsburgh to SLC three times to see them.

Recently, I signed up for a program that included peptide therapy and regular consultations with Sara Supinski, L.A.c., Dipl.OM. I don’t know what all those letters mean, but she is an acupuncturist and functional medicine provider.

Her advice on exercise, diet, and supplements in addition to the peptides has been superb.

They had me do blood tests, including tests my traditional doctor never knew about or ordered and Sara developed a revised regimen for all my supplements taking into account the results from these specialized tests.

At the end of several calls she put together literally pages of what she thought I should do. This included a complete analysis of my supplements. This was very difficult because many of them were combination products and she he to see how much of what compound was in each combination supplement before she could make her recommendations.

When she was done, she confirmed most of what I was on, but also suggested I add a few and delete a few.

I know I am in good hands and think you will be too if you decide to use the team at East/West in SLC.

James L.

This is the place to find answers, not band-aids for your health.

If you are looking for a health coach that is energizing, knowledgeable and warm, Andie is the one! Our first session immediately inspired me to go on a detox, first time in many years. She instantly provided me with many health tips and motivation to take charge of my body once again. I only did a small tweak in my dietary routine for a week and I am already feeling clear and energized.
Annie L.

About 4 months ago, at the recommendation of East West Health I was prescribed the peptide Epitalon for my stress levels to help with my PTSD. I have experienced a profound increase in resilience since beginning to take Epitalon. I feel less anxious and overwhelmed than I have in as long as I can remember.

Keeping this in mind, when my 13-year-old son’s school counselor called to deliver the crushing information that my son’s friends had reported my son talking about self-harm and even taking his own life, I instantly thought of Epitalon to supplement his therapy.

When my son uses his Epitalon there is a drastic mood shift within a couple of hours, that lasts throughout the day. For instance: last week my son refused to talk to me about feelings and was weeping at the overwhelm of simple household chores. Within 1.5 hours of taking his dose of Epitalon, he was asking to build a fire in our backyard fire pit so we could roast hot dogs and “hang out”. I am writing to express my gratitude for potentially saving my son’s life and for giving me the knowledge to find the tools to help him. What you do is so profound and so important. Please share my experience, it just may save a life.

A Grateful Mother

I came to the clinic to address the osteoarthritis of my hip. I could not be more pleased with the care I had. My treatment included various approaches. This integrated approach to health treatment blends the best of traditional western medicine with proven eastern practices. I highly recommend East West Health!

Gail R.

They are super helpful getting me back on track with my thyroid (graves) issue! They helped me before and I got lazy with my eating and stress management. Now I’m getting back on track and am feeling much better again! Love these guys they really know what they are doing!

Jana B.

I am so glad I found East West Health. I have gained quite a bit of relief from my injections and the acupuncture is superb. I like their supplements and their knowledge and ability to help me problem solve my gut, hormone and inflammation issues. The staff are so personable and friendly and really care! It’s a wonderful clinic!

Jan C.

The people at East West Health are like family. They are very committed to our comfort and wellbeing. They are very open minded. They engage from the heart. Very excited about any progress, and yet very professional. The atmosphere is calming and soothing. Very conducive to healing. We recommend East West Health to all our friends who ask us why we look so radiantly healthy.

Linda K.

I received  injections in both knees last June at East West Health in St. George and have had very positive results. In addition to the shots I have been working with Jared and Justin for the last several months to help improve my overall health. This has been one of the best experiences of my life. In five months I have lost seventy pounds. I have been able to eliminate gluten, dairy and sugar from my diet without feeling like I am starving myself. In fact, I have been feeling quite energized. The twice weekly acupuncture sessions have been helpful too. The medical tests I had revealed some things I was not aware of through traditional medicine and enabled me to make great strides in improving the way I feel today. From top to bottom East West Health is a very well run group and everyone there is great to work with!

Mike H.

For about 8 years I’ve battled digestive issues/Candida that have effected all aspects of my physical and mental health including muscle & joint pain, mood fluctuation, brain fog, fatigue, etc. I finally decided to do a 6 month program with East West. The staff has been wildly informative and educational in all they offer. They (Regan, Ryan, Spencer, Sierra, Rachel) are candid in their approach without adding unnecessary pressure. If you are going to spend the money and the time I would recommend you fully commit for best results. The multi point philosophy this clinic has is ultimately what healthcare should be.

Rickie M.

Amazing Knowledge about healing the body through its natural process using natural herbs coupled with acupuncture. Medicine without the side effects of pharmaceuticals. Not a quick fix but a healthy way to live. They are helping me to find a sustainable healthy diet. They are teaching me how to take care of my body properly so that the affects getting older will not be so debilitating. Reagan is awesome, as well as the rest of the staff.
Shawn A.

I have been to multiple health care facilities over the past few years to try and figure out some stomach issues that were beginning to affect my everyday quality of life, after the first month of going to east west health, I started feeling better, I have almost completed the program, and my symptoms have virtually disappeared. I recommend east west health to anyone who is having issues, or just wants a better understanding of their overall health. They have a wonderful selfless staff, who actually want to make a difference in your life.

Matt M.

I had a very bad experience with a knee replacement surgery. When it was time to do my other knee and hip you can understand how hard it was to make the appointment. Now 5 weeks after my 1st treatment, I have much less hip and knee pain. I am now able to walk and work around the yard with little or no shortness of breath. My psoriasis is almost gone. I no longer have hemorrhoids. I can read my mail without glasses. I sometimes forget to put in my hearing aids but can talk to friends and enjoy a movie with family without turning up the volume. My skin is much healthier (I am told this by friends almost every day now) I feel better in every way, and know life once again is something to look forward to! Not just endure. Thank you for letting me tell my story. Please don’t let someone cut into your body. There is a much better way.

Charles C.

Accelerate Your Health With Innovative Medicine

Salt Lake City Headquarters

Unreasonable Health Podcast

Health Accelerator Challenge

"They are super helpful getting me back on track with my thyroid (graves) issue! They helped me before and I got lazy with my eating and stress management. Now I’m getting back on track and am feeling much better again! Love these guys they really know what they are doing! It's an amazing clinic!"

Jana B.

"I am so glad I found East West. I have gained quite a bit of relief from my injections and the acupuncture is superb. I like their supplements and their knowledge and ability to help me problem solve my gut, hormone and inflammation issues. The staff are so personable and friendly and really care! It’s a wonderful clinic!"

Jan C.

"I came to the clinic to address the osteoarthritis of my hip. I could not be more pleased with the care I had. My treatment included various approaches. This integrated approach to health treatment blends the best of traditional western medicine with proven eastern practices. I highly recommend East West!"

Gail R.